Source code for rundeck_resources.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import argparse
import logging
from .config import read_config
from .plugins import load_plugins
from .logger import setup_logging
from .cache import Cache
from .errors import ConfigError
from .errors import NoResourcesFound

from . import __version__

# Setup logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def main() -> None: """ Main method. """ parser = argument_parse() args = parser.parse_args() verbosity_level = verbosity(args.verbose) setup_logging(args.logger, verbosity_level)"Reading the rundeck-resources configuration") config = read_config(args.config)"Initializing cache system") cache = Cache(config, args.no_cache)"Loading importer plugins") try: import_plugins = load_importers(config) except ConfigError as e: logger.critical("Importers error: %s", e) sys.exit(1)"Loading exporter plugins") try: export_plugins = load_exporters(config) except ConfigError as e: logger.critical("Exporters error: %s", e) sys.exit(1)"Initializing input interfaces") logger.debug("Input plugins: %s", import_plugins) import_interfaces = initialize_import_interfaces( config, import_plugins, cache)"Initializing output interfaces") logger.debug("Output plugins: %s", export_plugins) export_interfaces = initialize_export_interfaces( config, export_plugins)"Importing nodes resources from input plugins") logger.debug("Input interfaces: %s", import_interfaces) try: resources = import_resources(import_interfaces) except NoResourcesFound as e: logger.error("Import error: %s", e) logger.warning("No resources file written") sys.exit(0)"Exporting nodes resources using output plugins") logger.debug("Output interfaces: %s", export_interfaces) export_resources(export_interfaces, resources)"Rundeck Resources successfully completed")
[docs]def load_importers(config): """ Method to load the `Importers` plugins configured in the configuration file. :param config: The configuration file content. :returns: The `Importers` plugins, loaded. """ return load_plugins(config, 'Importers')
[docs]def load_exporters(config): """ Method to load the `Exporters` plugins configured in the configuration file. :param config: The configuration file content. :returns: The `Exporters` plugins, loaded. """ return load_plugins(config, 'Exporters')
[docs]def initialize_import_interfaces(config: dict, plugins: dict, cache: Cache) -> list: """ Method to initialize the interfaces with the configuration. :param config: The configuration file content. :param plugins: The list of loaded plugins. :param cache: The cache system instance. :returns: The list of loaded plugins initialized. """ interfaces = [] for interface in plugins.values(): interfaces.append( interface['plugin'](interface['title'], config, cache)) return interfaces
[docs]def initialize_export_interfaces(config: dict, plugins: dict) -> list: """ Method to initialize the interfaces with the configuration. :param config: The configuration file content. :param plugins: The list of loaded plugins. :returns: The list of loaded plugins initialized. """ interfaces = [] for interface in plugins.values(): interfaces.append( interface['plugin'](interface['title'], config)) return interfaces
[docs]def import_resources(interfaces: list) -> dict: """ Method to get all resources from the *input* interfaces. :param interfaces: The list of initialized input interfaces. :returns: The resources returned by the input interfaces. """ resources = {} for interface in interfaces: resources.update(interface.import_resources()) if not resources: raise NoResourcesFound("No resources found") return resources
[docs]def export_resources(interfaces: list, resources: dict) -> None: """ Method to export the resources using the *output* interfaces. :param interfaces: The list of initialized output interfaces. :param resources: The resources provided by the input interfaces. """ for interface in interfaces: interface.export_resources(resources)
[docs]def argument_parse() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """ Method to extract the arguments from the command line. :returns: The argument parser. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generates rundeck resources " "file from different API sources.") parser.add_argument( 'config', type=str, help='Configuration file.') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Verbosity level to use.') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--logger', type=str, help='The logger YAML configuration file.') parser.add_argument( '--no-cache', action='store_true', help='Do not use cache.') parser.add_argument( '-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {}'.format(__version__), help='Prints version.') return parser
[docs]def verbosity(verbose: int): """ Method to set the verbosity. :param verbose: The verbosity set by user. :returns: The verbosity level. """ if verbose == 0: return logging.ERROR elif verbose == 1: return logging.WARNING elif verbose == 2: return logging.INFO elif verbose > 2: return logging.DEBUG