Source code for rundeck_resources.yaml_exporter

import yaml
import logging
from .interfaces import ResourcesExporter
from .common import normalize_path, get_section

[docs]class YAMLExporter(ResourcesExporter): """ The YAML rundeck exporter class """ def __init__(self, title: str, config: dict = {}) -> None: """ Initialize the *YAMLExporter plugin. :param title: The title provided by the configuration section. :param config: The configuration provided by `config.read_config`. """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.title = title self.section = get_section('YAMLExporter', title) self.config = config.get(self.section, None)
[docs] def export_resources(self, dictionary: dict) -> None: """ Method to save nodes' information into a rundeck nodes resources `YAML` file. :param dictionary: Rundeck formatted nodes information. """"Exporting Rundeck resources in YAML format") self.logger.debug("Getting resources export path") yaml_file = YAMLExporter.export_path(self.config) if yaml_file: self.logger.debug("Export path found, normalizing path") abs_path = normalize_path(yaml_file) self.logger.debug("Saving Rundeck YAML resources file") with open(abs_path, 'w+') as yfile: yaml.dump(dictionary, stream=yfile, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False) else: self.logger.debug("Export path not found, dumping data to stdout") print(yaml.dump(dictionary, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False))
[docs] @staticmethod def export_path(config: dict) -> str: """ Method to get the rundeck export file in absolute path format. :param config: The `Rundeck` section of the configuration. :returns: The file path of rundeck resources to export to. """ return config.get('export_path', '') if config else ''